Refusing to eat dinner.
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We have a nearly 3yo. He is refusing to eat dinner. He starts by saying its too hot. Then play with a couple of cars while he waits. Thats ok. Once dinner is warm. He moves on to asking for help. We say sure but get started and we will help once we are done. He does not touch his food. We finish and he asks for help with food. If we feed him he will eat no problems. But we want him to get started at least. We have left him at the table. We have had dersert in front of him. We have fed his dinner to the dogs. And tonight we even put it in the bin. We use to threaten these things then he will eat but now we are doing these things and all he does is scream when we take it , have a hug and move on. He is fed well during the day. But should be hungry enough to eat the serve size we give him. Any ideas to get him feeding himself. From what ive heard most todlers are too independent not completly dependent.
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35209 - 2022-03-17 10:45:38
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