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Hello. I feel I want to share my story to give a lot of hope.
5 years ago I decided I'd had enough of the emotional abuse, psychological, control, physical. Every type of abuse from my ex-husband. We have 3 children. Due to his control I had no savings, no confidence. I could see that not only was I miserable but it was also affecting my children. I found a house (to let) got help from housing for rent and council tax. I lived off benefits for a year until I grew strong. After that, I enrolled in college and made it to university. I'm now 5 years on. In my own house with my children who are a lot happier and I have a career.
Please get help, if you can't do it on your own then go to women's aid, your local housing authority, or the homeless unit. Tell the police what is happening to make them aware. They can be there when you leave so that you and your kids are safe.
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